Expository Writing (Digital Download)

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Series Name: Writing 4: Writing Practice Makes Sense!

Motivation makes all the difference. And what's more motivating than the expectation of success? The instructions are clear and to the point, so students can quickly get down to writing practice in these 64-page digital worktexts. Helpful prompts pack the worktext lesson pages including illustrations, examples, and sample responses. Sample Content: product warning label, office communications, first aid instructions, answers to essay questions.

ISBN-13: 9781612476681

Format: Digital Download

Grade Level: 6 to 12

Approximate Grade-Level Equivalent for Series: 3.5 to 4.5

Please note that Downloadable Goods are all non-returnable and the sale will be final.


Key Words/ Themes: Expository Writing, Reproducible Book, Hi-Lo, Hi-Lo Books, Hi-Lo Solutions, High-Low Books, Hi-Low Books, ELL, EL, ESL, Struggling Learner, Struggling Reader, Special Education, SPED, Newcomers, Reading, Learning, Education, Educational, Educational Books, Nonfiction, Tween, Teen, Young Adult


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Expository Writing (Digital Download)